The Work Week is Over!

Today is the start to the weekend and I am looking forward to it. This week seem to drag on and on. I don't have anything really plan other than meet up with the fellas to work on the websites. I am sacrificing my Saturday for you! What a nice guy! Thinking about my weekend, there really isn't anything to get excited about. What is it about weekends that get us excited about them? Other than the fact that we get to escaped our boring lives at work and get to live our real lives, where does that excitement come from?

I have no plans this weekend and yet I am so anxious to get it started. Why? Is this something that was embedded into our brains when we were little kids? As kids, the weekend was full of fun times like going to the park or playing some basketball with the buddies. Now that I am older, I really look forward to sleeping in and having nothing to do. Damn! That sucks! I look forward to doing nothing, really? Something got to change. Maybe I can add this to my list of resolutions. Be more productive in life.

Sorry for the wasting your time on this post. Just had to write my thoughts down. I promise to come back with something more interesting. Good night and enjoy your weekend.



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