Theres no happy ending in this story!

There is a quick story that was reported by KTLA, which is a local news station here in Los Angeles, about two strippers being accused of taking off with $500 without even taking their clothes off! What is the world coming to? So the article points out that these strippers were hired from Craigslist to preform at a party. For some reason the girls took the money that was supposed to be for their services and started heading back toward their car. As they walked away, some of the guys went after them to get their money back, one of the strippers starts to shoot pepper spray at the guys. Two guys ended up getting the worse of it as they were hit in the face with the pepper spray. The funny part is that one of the girls went as far as punching one of the guys hit with pepper spray right in the face! The guys ended up calling the cops and that was that. I've been invited to plenty of "sophisticated" parties where strippers were invited to show off their "talents" and I have never seen or heard of such of a outlandish act!

I just this was a funny story. There isn't much detail to the story but you can check it out at,0,7830379.story


Husky Downs on July 18, 2010 at 5:14 PM said...

No words to describe this story other than - WOW!

Chub Johnson on July 21, 2010 at 11:33 AM said...

reminds me of one of the times the Chubster was in Vegas with some coworkers. We ordered some "dancers" to come and entertain us at our room. To our surprise the "dancers" who were selected to come were not the ones we had chosen. Like the trustworthy individuals that we are, we gave them the full payment as they told us they would fix the error and send the correct "dancers" over. Lets just say its been 6 years, and till this day the Chubster and friends have not received any entertainment!

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