Gary Coleman Lived a Short Life!

Gary Coleman has passed away at the age of 42 of inter-cranial hemorrhage which is basically bleeding in the brain which is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel in the head. He was a child star on the hit show Different Strokes and he went on to never really accomplishing anything else worth mentioning. It seemed like we only hear about negative things about his life such as medical and legal problems. How can we forget the time when he was working as a security officer and jump on the hood of that car! That moment was priceless. With all that said, I truly hope that he was able to find some kind of happiness before he died. I'll always remember him as that short smart ass kid that was always disrespecting the white man! RIP Gary.

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Anonymous said...

What you talkin' bout Willis?!?

Anonymous said...

so sad. He was a lot of fun to watch. It seems all the kids from this show paid a big price for their fame.

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