Hate your job? It could be worse!

Do you hate your job like I do? I hate my job for numerous reasons which I wont bore you with all the details. I will admit that I do like the people I work with which include my supervisors and they do a great job helping me get through the day. Even though I hate my job, I thank god that I have a job. We can kick and scream about everything that annoys us at work but if we stop for a moment and think about all the people that are unemployed right now, we may start to think that our job ain't that bad. I probably complain at least once a day about someone I work with, the way management is handling things, or just the tasks that I have to complete. One thing we need to realize is that anything negative at work can not measure up to the problems that someone unemployed may be facing.

Try to put yourself in the shoes of a unemployed person. Like me you probably can picture yourself in your living room looking for jobs in the classified ads not really having too many worries because you are getting unemployment checks every two weeks. Not to bad of a scenario right? Now think about that scenario but now take away the the unemployment checks. Now what do you think of that? It's a situation that we would all want to avoid at all cost but for a lot of people this situation is a reality.

The Associated Press has reported that more than 1.3 unemployed Americans who have been on unemployment benefits for at least six months will not get their unemployment benefits reinstated before Congress goes on a Independence Day vacation. This vacation is not just a three day weekend like many of us are use to. Their vacation goes on for a whole week which can cause a long delay IF the unemployment benefits are reinstated. Now the good news is that Congress is closed to passing the bill as they are just a couple of votes short of this but this still does nothing to help those who are in need. A lot of these Americans are trying to keep their heads above water but our government is failing to lend out a hand. It seems that Congress has more important things on their minds like if they should vacation in London or Paris.

Keep these people in your thoughts and prayers. By doing so you will be able to see things in a different light and maybe the next time you find something at work that bothers you, try to shrug it off and focus at the task at hand. This has definitely change my outlook on things. Always remember things could always be worse.

Special thanks go out to Jimmy Kicks and Husky Downs for helping a Johnson get out of a hole!

For more information on the Associated Press article - http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hLKyB9H7lUpiALFVlU7RRJa9-EfwD9GM3SGO0


Husky Downs on July 1, 2010 at 10:52 PM said...

First of all, I take no credit for any Johnson's getting out of any holes. That it itself is a travesty.

Now that I've said my piece. I will follow it up with, great article Grip. Seriously, I am proud of you as a friend, but even more so as a "brother". My "big" man is growing up. Kudos.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better! Amen brother! Tell it like it is and keep praying for all those less fortunate than yourself.

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